We arrived at Hongkong International Airport at 10.30 and we were transferred from where the plan were landed to the airport by bus (budget airline!!), we went directly to the imigration after having our toilet break.
The queue were quite long at the imigration, but it was fast. Getting out from imigration, we went to the visitor information. We asked how to get the bus number A21 which can take us from the airport to Tsim Tsa Sui area. Actually we can also take train, but it cost more expensive. And because Hop Inn's web said that the bus stop only some blocks away, we decided to take the bus. The man at the visitor information booth was very friendly. Then we compared to our Cengkareng airport in Jakarta. Getting out from international arrival hall, can we find any visitor information center? Mmmm, I haven't found one. Or maybe because I never try to find one in Jakarta:p
We also asked where to buy Octopus card. It's kind like e-z link card for MRT in spore. Octopus costs HKD 150, whereas the HKD 50 is for the refundable deposit. If you don't want buy any octopus cards, be prepared with coins, as the bus driver never give change. Octopus can also be used in merchants, like 7eleven, or even it can be used to pay ferry. Hmmm, a well integrated card... Any unspent value in on loan octopus is refundable along with HKD 50 deposit (minus HKD 7 for handling fee).
After equiped ourselves with Octopus, we went to the bus stop just outside the airport. We waited for 10 minutes before the bus is coming.
We arrived just oposite the Kowloon Mosque. Suddenly an indian were coming offering halal resto. Ohhh noo they are very annoying!!

We went directly to the hotel to check in and put our lugage, and of course to have our late lunch. We were very hungry.
Purchase our published book: Family Backpacking Hong Kong (Published by Elexmedia).
We went directly to the hotel to check in and put our lugage, and of course to have our late lunch. We were very hungry.
Purchase our published book: Family Backpacking Hong Kong (Published by Elexmedia).
kalau dari north point ke kowloon mosque naik apa ya?
ReplyDeleteBisa naik MTR, nanti interchange di Central MTR, lalu ganti yang arah Tsim Sha Tsui (TST). Turun di TST kalau mau ke Kowloon Mosque.
Deletehai...salam kenal
ReplyDeletekl dari airport ke wanchai naik bus apa ya? kudu nyambung2 gak? makasih....
Hai Mba Asni, naik bus A11 aja Mba. Enggak perlu nyambung lagi, asal tau lokasi hotel dimana, bisa jalan kaki dari bus stop bus A11 nya.
DeleteHello salam kenal.
ReplyDeletesaya rencana ke hkg bersama istri dan 2 anak saya umur 1 thn dan 3 tahun. Pertanyaanya apakah untuk anak umur 3 thn sudah di kenakan charge? Ditunggu update nya.thx
Di bawah 4 tahun gratis Mas, saya share detail di buku Family Backpacking Hong Kong (Elexmedia) ya. Silahkan dibaca-baca :)
DeleteMohon infonya kl naik bus dari Hongkong int Airport ke Apple Hostel turunnya paling dekat dimana di TShim sa sui.trims
ReplyDeleteHallo Pak, bilang aja ke supirnya mau ke Chungking Mansion. Nanti dia kasih tau. Atau Bapak bisa googling rutenya supaya tau turun di bus stop nomor berapa.
DeleteHaii mau tanya dong. Berarti kalau dari airport naik bis ke tsim tsa tsui bisa pakai octopus card ya?
ReplyDeleteBisa...selama saldonya cukup ya...
Deletehai salam kenal mau nanya klo ticket return itu bs kapan saja ya digunakannya ato hrs pada saat itu juga digunakan
ReplyDeleteHai salam kenal juga, enggak harus hari itu, coba tanya pas beli tiketnya deh.
DeleteAda juga yang promo one day trip gitu, tapi jangan beli yang one day promo ya kalau memang enggak mau digunakan pada hari yang sama.
Halo salam kenal...
ReplyDeleteKalau dari HKIA menuju MongKok Station menurut website naik bus A21 (5stops), nah yg sy tanyakan apakah setelah turun kena fare HKD8 lagi ? Karena secara kita naik pertama sudah charge fare HKD33 kan yah. Berarti naik & turun bus harus tap Octopusnya gitu (seperti di Spore) ?
Hello Mas, pas turun enggak bayar lagi karena sudah bayar di awal kalau untuk airport bus. Have fun in HK :)
DeleteHalo salam kenal,
ReplyDeleteSaya ada rencana ke hongkong besok. kalau dari airport ke kwun tong naik bus no brp?
Hai Mas Rudi, maaf saya tidak tahu nomor busnya. Coba mungkin google map bisa membantu, klik direction aja, lalu masukan dari mana dan hendak kemana ya.
Deletehi...mau tanya...saya dari bandara mau langsung k terminal ferry di sheung wan, klo gk salah kn naik Bus A11, yg saya mau tanyakan, gmna taunya kita klo uda sampai di terminal tujuan? biar gk kelewatan atau bhkan turun lebih awal.tq
ReplyDeleteHai, nanti di atas bus ada running text yang akan kasih info next bus stop nya apa. Tapi, sebelum pergi lebih baik udah googling rute bus nya. Jadi udah punya bayangan harus turun di bus stop no ke berapa. Have fun di Hong Kong.
Deletekalau nau ke hk sekarang kan banyak demo trus mrt stasiun ditutup shutdown kalau dari tsim sha shui ke airport naiak apa ya selain mrt dan buss?
ReplyDeleteNaik taksi atau saat ini banyak hotel yg provide transportasi (mobil).
Deletebisa minta tolong update info hk terkini?
ReplyDeleteHai, info nya lengkap kok, bahkan ada jadwal demo nya dimana juga. Silahkan googling ya.