This temple told me one thing: our travel itinerary shall be adjusted when travelling with kiddos:p The main reason why I put this temple in our itinerary was because it is close to Penang Hill, and it is well known as a very beautiful temple. We can go to this temple by bus 204 from Jetty or Komtar, but need to walk to get to the entrance. I have made it easier by going to this place by our rented van. However, I have read about the steps we have to go through to get to the temple, but still I put it on our itinerary.
And our story begins...

Our rented van dropped us in front of the small street, Shan the driver told us that it was the entrance. But it was full of souvenir shops. By the way I have read from the internet that the entrance heading to the temple was a little street full of souvenir shop. So I thought it was the only way to get into the temple. The street was hilly with many steps. Arkan at first walked hand in hand with me, then he started asking me to take him in my arm. So heavy!

When the souvenir shops street came to an end, we found a pond full of turtle. Glad the kiddos enjoy feeding the turtles.

We had to continue walking, and arrived in a hall with a vegetarian restaurant and also a souvenir shops. When we got out, finally we saw a temple, a small one. The real one were still up there!

We didn't have the willing to take another steps, no thank you:D

We stopped by a shop where kiddos asked to buy ice cream..and out of nowhere Arkan started to cry, louder and louder.. I didn't know what he saw inside that made him so scared. So I walked outside the building and found a parking place. Whatttt?? Why Shan didn't drop us up here at the first place?

Arkan refused to go back inside, then Adi called Shan to pick up us at the parking place. Thanks God we didn't have to go to the cramped souvenir street again.
Well, I must say it is a beautiful temple to visit, but I don't recommend visiting this temple when you are traveling with little children or elderly. Or if you still want to visit this place, make sure you stop at the right parking place, no need to pass all those souvenir shops.
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