
6 Things To Do for The First Timer in Queenstown New Zealand

If you are planning your first time holiday to New Zealand, make sure that Queenstown is the number one city of your list. When I was looking for a connecting flight from Melbourne to New Zealand, the most expensive ticket was to Queenstown. No wonder, this city is located 4 hours away to the magnificent Milford Sound. And of course, first timer to New Zealand will put a Milford Sound cruise in their itinerary. Read our story of Milford Sound in this link.

Here are our list of things to do if you are visiting Queenstown for the first time:

1. Visit Lake Wakatipu Over and Over Again

The beautiful Lake Wakatipu, in the heart of the city

One time is never enough, this lake is too gorgeous! We were fortunate to visit New Zealand during summer, but still the water was very cold. People enjoyed Lake Wakatipu in a sunny day, including our kiddos.

Enjoying the lake in summer
The pinewood make this lake even more beautiful

No matter how cold the water was, kiddos enjoyed it:)
Paddle boat or this water cycling? You choose.

If you are traveling with kids to Queenstown, I would recommend visiting a free playground just in front of YHA hostel. Our kiddos enjoyed a swing with the view there.

the view kiddos enjoyed from their swing

And of course, visit the lake at night for a romantic view like this.

Lake Wakatipu just after the sunset

2. Window Shopping at Queenstown Mall

The shopping complex of Queenstown Mall is a really nice place to do some window shopping or to find souvenirs (my fave is the DF Souvenir shop).

Everyday we enjoyed a park called Green Village just in front of the sign of "Queenstown Mall".

our kiddos fave spot at Queenstown Mall

3. Lunch at The Cow - Queenstown Mall

We seldom eat at the restaurants when we were in New Zealand due to budget concern. Mostly we cooked at our motel. But when @thearizkia recommend to have pizza at The Cow, we decided to have it a try.  A small cute resto at the end of Cow Lane, served a very yummy pizza and garlic bread. Ensure this resto will be on your list too. The large pizza cost around NZD 32, while the garlic bread cost NZD 8,5.

Cute resto at the corner of Cow Lane
Must have: the garlic bread and pizza 

4. Skyline Gondola + Luge Ride

If you would like to see Queenstown from the top, taking the Skyline Gondola is one of the thing that you can choose. We were too late for the luge ride (Sky Luge ticket booth closed at 8 pm), instead we enjoyed playing at the very cold and windy Bob's Peak.

charming Queenstown seen from Bob's Peak

5. Bungy Jumping at Kawarau Bridge

No, we did not do the jump. But we visited the bridge to see how tall it was. When we got there, we didn't only see the bridge. The river itself was very amazing!

Dare to take a jump?
You jump, I don't:p
Lovely river, isn't it?

6. A Short Visit to Glenorchy

Located only one hour away from Queenstown, Glenorchy is a must visit place. Not only enjoying the beautiful view at Glenorchy, but we also amazed by the fascinating view along the way from Queenstown to Glenorchy and vice versa. This below picture is a teaser, you can read a special post on Glenorchy here

your pool at Glenorchy :)

written on January 16, 2014 by @tesyasblog

Next Post:
Skyline Gondola and Kiwi Birdlife Park

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The Top 10 Highlights of Our Holiday With Kids in New Zealand


  1. Ah semua nya menawan, duch kapan kah daku bisa kesana ??? nabung nabung nabung

    1. Ayo nabuuung... dan pantengin tiket promo ya Ka Cum.

  2. Kuereeennnn gambar-gambarnya... Jadi tambah kepingin ke Ozi trus nyeberang ke New Zealand pake gethek... eh bisa nggak ya? hehehe

    1. Iya Kak Hal, bisa kok pake gethek..berenang juga bisa aja kok hahaha... :)

  3. Mbak Tesyaaaaaaaaa .........liat foto-nya aku ngiler berat , envy tingkat Dewa Zeus deh !!!! ( Nurul )

    1. Hai Nurul, ayo segera di planning donk hehehe

  4. Aaahh kak Tesya ... You make me miss NZ now!! :')

    Indeed Queenstown is a beautiful city ... Did u take the steamboat on the Wakatipu Lake? :-)

    1. Aaah, I miss it too..a lot!
      No we didn't, we paid expensive enough for the Gondola and Kiwi Birdlife Park :D

  5. Wow...... Infonya bener bener ringkasan yg berguna buat Family travelers...Dia Queenstown enaknya berapa hari ya Sis? Tq so much (andra)

    1. Minimal 3 hari, kalau bisa sih 5 hari, kotanya bikin betah Mba..hehe..
