
Queenstown With Kids: Skyline Gondola and Kiwi Birdlife Park

There are so many free things to do in the beautiful city of Queenstown New Zealand, and of course so many attractions which are unfortunately expensive (well, at least for us it was expensive!). For example, if you wish to do a bungy jumping at Kawarau Bridge, one adult has to pay NZD 180. Oh my...

As we took our kiddos to Queenstown, we tried to choose kids friendly attractions. We choose to go up to Bob's Peak by Skyline Gondola and to take our kiddos meeting up the real Kiwi Bird at Kiwi Birdlife Park.

Skyline Gondola

We arrived at 8.15 pm and were 15 minutes late to buy the Sky Luge tickets. But as we have told our kiddos that we were going to take a gondola that evening, we decided to pay NZD 76 for a family ticket. Off we went to Bob's Peak where we could enjoy the beauty of Queenstown at around 8.30 pm.

It was really peaceful

There weren't many people at the main entrance that evening. No queues at all. Maybe they have predicted that it would be very windy upstairs. While what we wanted to see was Queenstown with the lights on. Too bad kiddos had requested to go back to the hotel before we could see the city with its light (:

the main entrance of Skyline Gondola

We took Gondola without any queue at all. We saw beautiful Queenstown along the way and amazed with the welcome sign that is written in Bahasa Indonesia: "Selamat Datang"

The view from our Gondola
Selamat Datang (Welcome)

We enjoyed playing at the peak, it has a park covering the Luge track. So although we didn't take the ride, we still could feel the excitement. The Gondola and 1 Sky Luge ride cost one person NZD 36. The ticket price could be seen in their website.

People going up to the Luge track
The Luge Track

Kiddos enjoyed playing on the grass, while we took lots of pictures of this fascinating view from the top. This place is amazing! Rene would love to do a 5 hours return trip hiking to Ben Lommond Summit. Mmm, maybe he should wait until our kiddos getting bigger:p

Although it was only a short Gondola ride, I think it's a must visit place. If you mind paying the ticket, you can always do the hiking or even biking to the hill. That would be awesome!

Kiwi Birdlife Park

Located adjacent to the Skyline Gondola, it was a unique experience for our kiddos to see the animals at the park, especially the Kiwi bird. The normal price of adult ticket is NZD 42, but I bought via bookme and got 50% off price. Our kiddos#2 is still free, but his brother had to pay child entrance NZD 21

Cute car of Kiwi Birdlife Park
Inside the ticket booth

The Conversation Show was our first stop. As the show was an educational show whereas the guy from Kiwi Birdlife Park talked a lot about how to conserve the animals, our kiddos found it boring (: Perhaps they prefer to see an interactive show, like what they saw in Singapore Zoo and Ocean Park.

We continued enjoying the park after the show ends. I love all the trees inside the park, look how small our kiddos are compared to this gigantic tree.

OMG what a huge tree!

We went to see Kiwi's Feeding process at the Kiwi House. Kiddos love to see the Kiwi Bird walking few meters away from them to take their food. Too bad the kiwi are placed in a dark room, and it was prohibited to take picture inside.

Seeing the food for Kiwi Bird

If you are taking kiddos to Queenstown, we recommend you to visit both of this places. It's worth every dollar we spent.

written on January 21, 2014 by @tesyasblog

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Review of Pinewood Lodge Queenstown

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6 Things To Do for First Timer in Queenstown New Zealand

Related Post on tesyaskinderen:
Love at First Sight With Queenstown


  1. Mahal juga yaa biaya nya, tapi view nya mmg mantap banget.

    1. Iya nih Kak Cumi, atraksi di NZ mihil, jadi kita pilih bener-bener deh yg paling sesuai:p

  2. huwaa aku mau lihat kiwinya kak tesyaaa, mau mauuuuu

    1. Iya Mei..lucu..endut pantatnya Kiwi hahahah :)
