
The Top 10 Highlights of our Holiday in New Zealand with Kids

Hi all, happy new year! I hope it is not too late to wish everyone a happy new year, as we have just came back from our new year’s holiday in New Zealand :)

I was in doubt where to start posting about our New Zealand holiday with kids, there are too many beautiful pictures and memorable stories to be shared with tesyasblog’s readers. I shall start with a recap of the 10 ten highlights of our New Zealand trip. Oh gosh, I miss the clear sky, fresh air, beautiful view in New Zealand really bad!

1. Tekapo Springs, a hot pool with incredible view (Lake Tekapo)

Our kiddos love to swim so much, but it was too windy and cold to swim except in a hot pool. Fortunately we had bought tickets to Tekapo Springs, a hot pool overlooking Lake Tekapo via bookme at a 50% discount. We paid only NZD 10 for one person, the normal price is NZD 20 for adult and NZD 12 for children.

We enjoyed our time in the hot pool, just to relax at the pool while enjoying the scenery of a pinewood forest and also the beautiful Lake Tekapo.

a stunning hot pool
so happy to be back in the pool

2. Cruise at Milford Sound

The cruise at Milford Sound was something that really special for our kiddos. “May I see the captain?” asked kiddos#1 to a cabin crew.  And he was so happy to be able to take picture with the captain of our Mitre Peak boat.

proud kiddos meeting up with the captain

Oh did I mention getting wet when kiddos saw the waterfall? It was a thrilling experience for our kiddos!

approaching the waterfall

3. St. Kilda Beach (Dunedin)

From the first time we arrived in New Zealand, our kiddos request to go to the beach. Oh my! They had never complained of going to the lakes though, instead of playing with the sands, they also love to play with the stones they found at the lake. But kiddos#2 comment one day “I prefer playing the sands” when we took him to Lake Wakatipu.

Can you imagine how happy they were to finally see the real beach with clean and white sands?  St.KildaBeach of Dunedin was the second beach we found during our roadtrip after Kaka Point. But we didn’t have time to play at Kaka Point. They love St.Kilda beach so much, and we spent hours on the beach and also at the playground just meters away from the beach. 

finally, the beach!
Great and a free playground

4. The Stunning Lake Wakatipu (Queenstown)

The first time I saw Lake Wakatipu, I told Rene that we should stay at Queenstown at least for a week! It was so beautiful, and I love the city.  We enjoyed every corner of the lake, sitting near the lake was really peaceful.  Kiddos enjoyed their swimming session in very cold water as well.

beautiful Wakatipu

5.  Watching The Blue Penguins Pukekura at Royal Albatross Center (Dunedin)

It was kiddos’ first experience ever to see the penguins coming back to their home at night! We booked this tour for NZD 50 (family package) on the last day prior to our departure to New Zealand, because we weren’t sure if we will have enough time to watch the penguins. We glad we decided to book the tour.

It was raining and really windy that day, but kiddos made it to see the penguins at 10 pm. Ohh... the little penguins are so lovely! Read the complete story here.

look they are coming home!
Watching the penguins

6.  Up Close and Personal with the Sheeps at Sand Fly Beach (Otago Peninsula)

We saw sheeps and cows, many of them everywhere we go in the South Island of New Zealand. One day we went to Otago Peninsula and found a place called Sand Fly Beach where we found out that we could be really close with the sheeps! Too bad they always ran away every time kiddos wanted to feed them with grass in their hands hahaha..

kiddos#2 is trying to get closer with the sheep

7.       First Sashimi at Lake Pukaki

Another lake that made me fall in love was Lake Pukaki. The water was blue tortoise, we were the only people at the lake, which made the Lake Pukaki very peaceful and quite.

we could sit here for hours

We went also to the visitor information center where we bought one pack of sashimi for NZD 10, and to our surprise, kiddos#1 like the fresh salmon sashimi. We ate on the picnic table provided around the lake. Maybe the beautiful setting has made our kiddos#1 appetite increased, and that’s why he wanted to try the sashimi.

having our sashimi

8. Having Fun in Dunedin  (Botanical Garden, Railway Station, Baldwin Street)

Our kiddos#2 request to continue his study in Otago University of Dunedin. Just like his mom, he loves Dunedin. The city has a beautiful Botanical Garden, where we spent hours inside. An old and very beautiful railway station and also the unique Baldwin Street, claimed as the steepest street in the world.

hiking up the Baldwin Street

9.  Picnic at Village Green (Queenstown)

We found this place on our first day in Queenstown when we stepped out from KFC (oh yeah our first dinner was KFC:D). A beautiful garden with a river in the middle is a perfect place for us to sit, relax and had our lunch while kiddos could enjoy their time playing with the very cold water.

great place for a picnic lunch
their fave spot at queenstown

10.   Playing at the Bob’s Peak

We were late for the luge ride, so this time we only ride the Gondola Skyline up to Bob’s Peak (I typed "this time" because for sure there will be another time hehe...). It was only a very short ride of Skyline Gondola  compared with the cable car we took in Langkawi or Lantau Island of HK. But the view from Bob’s Peak was amazing! Kiddos enjoyed running and lying down on the grass at Bob’s Peak, while we enjoyed the beautiful view of Queenstown.

up down the hill at Bob's Peak

There are still many great places we visited in NZ, but I guess the top 10 ten is enough for now.

It was for sure a special holiday for us, and we'll share the places we have been in New Zealand in our coming posts. 

written on January 9, 2014 by @tesyasblog

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  1. love Wakatipu lake!!!

  2. Akujatuh hati dengan tekape spring

    1. Yup, asik banget tempatnya dan NZD 10 aja Kak :) *beli pake discount tapi ye

  3. I think I should visit NZ again and visited the places you mention here, kaakk!! :-)

  4. Ahhh.... mauuu kesanaaa sama anakku...

    1. Hai Mami Uben, thanks udah mampir ke tesyasblog. Yup dan aku juga mau kesana lagiiii hehehe..

  5. Keren bangets mba tesya! Jadi terinspirasi buat lebih banyak traveling dengan keluarga nih..awalnya aga ragu sering2 traveling bawa anak anak2 karena usia mereka masih balita (3 dan 2 tahun), tapi liat blog mba tesya jadi termotivasi juga deh bawa anak2 traveling hehe. Thanks mba!

    1. Hai Mas Indra aka Turis Gaul:)
      Ayo ditunggu cerita jalan-jalan seru sama keluarganya di blog ya :)

  6. Hai mba, saya punya plan ke ausie tahun dpn ( autum-March & winter-July ) dan rencana mau extend ke NZ, menurut mba autum atau winter yg akan lebih menyenangkan buat yang baru pertama kali. Thanks

    1. Hai Mba, wah asyiknya ke NZ:)
      Tergantung sih sukanya apa Mba, winter nya pasti dingin banget, secara aku juga kesana pas summer dingiiiin. Tapi kan asyik bisa main salju hehe..
