What is the cheapest public transport option from Sydney Airport to the city? It was my question even on my second visit to Sydney. The first time, we needed a public transport from Sydney airport to Anzac Parade bus stop. We were informed by our friend to take bus 400 from Sydney International Airport.
On our second visit, we asked the staff of City Hotel Sydney how to get to Sydney CBD from the airport. The staff recommend us to take the Airport Train and alight at Town Hall Station, which is only 10 minutes walk to the hotel. Of course it was not our option as Sydney Airport Link cost AUD 17.20 per person one way!
After browsing on the internet, we decided to combine bus 400 from international terminal and airport train from Mascot Station, thus avoiding the 'gatepass charge'. Train station at Sydney Airport is privately owned, a station access fee of AUD 12.60 per person (one way) applies at Domestic and International Airport. Taking the airport train from Mascot to Town Hall Station cost only AUD 3.8 per person one way.
On our second visit, we asked the staff of City Hotel Sydney how to get to Sydney CBD from the airport. The staff recommend us to take the Airport Train and alight at Town Hall Station, which is only 10 minutes walk to the hotel. Of course it was not our option as Sydney Airport Link cost AUD 17.20 per person one way!
After browsing on the internet, we decided to combine bus 400 from international terminal and airport train from Mascot Station, thus avoiding the 'gatepass charge'. Train station at Sydney Airport is privately owned, a station access fee of AUD 12.60 per person (one way) applies at Domestic and International Airport. Taking the airport train from Mascot to Town Hall Station cost only AUD 3.8 per person one way.
How To Go From Sydney Airport to Mascot Station?
At the arrival hall of Sydney International Airport, walk towards McDonalds. You will see the sign to the bus stop.
Just few meters after you exit the arrival hall, you will find the bus stop. We paid with our My Bus 2 ten rides ticket, which we bought on our last visit to Sydney. You can purchase My Bus ticket on the bus or you can also pay cash to the driver. I asked the driver to inform us when we reach Mascot Station, as I was not sure where to stop.
The driver told us to alight at Mascot, from the bus stop we walked passing one apartment, and the station was located just behind the apartment.
Buying Ticket at Mascot Station
We arrived at Mascot Station after 5 minutes walking from the bus stop. We took the escalator down to the station and bought our tickets. We decided to buy My Multi Weekly zone 3 ticket: an unlimited ticket for train, buses and ferries. It cost us AUD 63 per person. It also covered the train tickets to Blue Mountain.
Then we got into our train, a double decker train. Within 20 minutes we arrived at Town Hall Station, at the basement of Queen Victoria Building.
Going Back to Sydney International Airport
It was time for us to leave Sydney and catch our Air Asia flight to Jakarta. To avoid paying the gatepass charge, once again we used the same way. We took Airport Train from Central Station and alight at Mascot Station.
From Mascot we walked to the bus stop which is located at the opposite of the apartment I mentioned above. Then we took bus 400 to the International Terminal.
Well, as you may know Sydney is an expensive city, but there are so many ways to enjoy the city on the cheap. Including a way to go from the airport to the city in a cheaper way.
written on July 27, 2014 by @tesyasblog
Related Post:
The Cheapest Public Transport From Melbourne Tullamarine Airport
Previous Post:
The Prince Henry Cliff Walk at Blue Mountain
At the arrival hall of Sydney International Airport, walk towards McDonalds. You will see the sign to the bus stop.
The sign to the "buses" |
Just few meters after you exit the arrival hall, you will find the bus stop. We paid with our My Bus 2 ten rides ticket, which we bought on our last visit to Sydney. You can purchase My Bus ticket on the bus or you can also pay cash to the driver. I asked the driver to inform us when we reach Mascot Station, as I was not sure where to stop.
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Taking bus 400 to Mascot Station |
The driver told us to alight at Mascot, from the bus stop we walked passing one apartment, and the station was located just behind the apartment.
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The bus stop of bus 400 near Mascot St. |
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The Mascot St. is behind this apartment |
Buying Ticket at Mascot Station
We arrived at Mascot Station after 5 minutes walking from the bus stop. We took the escalator down to the station and bought our tickets. We decided to buy My Multi Weekly zone 3 ticket: an unlimited ticket for train, buses and ferries. It cost us AUD 63 per person. It also covered the train tickets to Blue Mountain.
Inside Mascot Station |
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My Multi Weekly Zone 3 |
Then we got into our train, a double decker train. Within 20 minutes we arrived at Town Hall Station, at the basement of Queen Victoria Building.
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A comfortable train |
Welcome to Town Hall Station |
It was time for us to leave Sydney and catch our Air Asia flight to Jakarta. To avoid paying the gatepass charge, once again we used the same way. We took Airport Train from Central Station and alight at Mascot Station.
Sydney's Central Station |
From Mascot we walked to the bus stop which is located at the opposite of the apartment I mentioned above. Then we took bus 400 to the International Terminal.
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Rene is waiting for bus 400 |
Well, as you may know Sydney is an expensive city, but there are so many ways to enjoy the city on the cheap. Including a way to go from the airport to the city in a cheaper way.
written on July 27, 2014 by @tesyasblog
Related Post:
The Cheapest Public Transport From Melbourne Tullamarine Airport
Previous Post:
The Prince Henry Cliff Walk at Blue Mountain
good info. i may use this method for my sydney trip
ReplyDeleteHope you enjoy your Sydney trip
Deletehi Tesya.. do u mind to share your full itinerary in Sydney? here is my email sitiatiqahtopik@yahoo.com
ReplyDeleteEmail sent ya Mba.
Deletekeren infonya, tapi aku telat bacanya. aku dah terlanjur naik kereta dr airport ke central station seharga $17 :(
ReplyDeleteYah sayang banget, berasa emang ya bedanya (:
DeleteAnyway enjoy Sydney ya..
Infonya sangat membantu mba Tesya.. Semoga dikasih rezeki lebih biar bisa traveling lg dan lg+sharing info2 akomodasi+transportasinya :)
ReplyDeleteBisa sharing itinerarynya mba di sydney? Ini email saya panji.putradana@gmail.com
Terima kasiih
Terimakasih banyak Mas doanya. Aamiin...
DeleteOke aku email ya.
Hi Tesya..terima kasih untuk sharingmu di blog. Sekarang lagi siap2 untuk jalan2 independent ke Sydney.. boleh share itinerary kamu kah. Emailku: kathy.wiradi@gmail.com.. thanks banget
ReplyDeleteHi Katy, aku email ya..
DeleteHallo tesya...infonya bermanfaat sekali..boleh share full itinerary sidney,melbourne ? Kaloada kesempatan mau kesana juga :). Email ke xiao.yeoh77@gmail.com
ReplyDeleteThanks ya mba..
Hai Kak, silahkan cek email ya..
DeleteHi tesya.. makasih infonya sangat bermanfaat, next week bakal nyobain sidney untuk pertama kalinya dan backpack-an hahhaaa.. boleh dibantu share itinerarynya sidney? sitariainge@naver.com terima kasih banyak~~~
ReplyDeleteHai Inge, udah aku email ya. Waaah have fun in Sydney!
DeleteHalo, blognya bermanfaat sekali! Aku boleh minta full itenarary-nya juga ga? emailku,yasminsarahnabila@gmail.com. thanks bgt ya ^^
ReplyDeleteHai Mba Sarah, thank you udah mampir ya.
DeleteOke nanti aku email itinerarynya.
Salut Tesya !
ReplyDeleteAwesome information ! Very helpful for my next journey to Sydney n Melbourne.
Would you please also send me your Syney and Melbourne's itin? If so, please send to yulanari.prasetyo@gmail.com
Warm regards!
Hi, just sent you email...
DeleteHi Tesya! Saya bakal ke Sydney+MELBOURNE tanggal 24/9. Bisa share sama itin Sydney& Melbourne ? kemangkuk@gmail.com
ReplyDeleteTerima kasih ya! Moga dimurah rezeki
Hai Kak, aku email yah..
DeleteMakasih doanya hehehe :)
hi mba Tesya, saya ada rencana ke Melbourne & Sidney Feb tahun depan.. boleh share itin dan flight lokal kah dan saya akan lebih senang kalau mba mau share untuk cost lainnya sebagai referensi budget saya :) siska.maranatha@gmail.com
ReplyDeleteterimakasih ya mba
Mba Siska, aku email ya.
DeleteIya kami pake Jetstar Australia untuk flight Melbourne ke Tasmania dan Melbourne ke Sydney-nya.
wah pas banget sama jadwal saya Feb tahun depan, mba Siska. Mau tanya juga ke mba Siska dan mba Tesya, kapan yah timing paling tepat buat ngurus visa? sbnrnya sih saya saat ini lg mulai kumpulin dokumen untuk itu.
Deletemohon infonya ya mba2 sekalian. trims banyak
halo mba Tesya, selamat sore...
ReplyDeleteinfo dab blognya membantu sekali, boleh ya share itinerary Sydney-Melbourne nya buat guide saya jalan tahun depan. terima kasih
Oke aku email ya..
DeleteMas, aku email di reject tuh emailnya.
DeleteMba Tesya blog nya bagus, infonya sangat bermanfaat. Sampe saya bookmark hehe. Bolehkah saya minta itinerary Sydney-Melbourne nya kalo berkenan sama info budget/costnya buat guide saya besok? Saya pingin backpack k sana tp masih bingung :)Matur nuwun sebelumnya.
ReplyDeleteEmail saya phizulpi@gmail.com
Aduh ini aku lupa udah email belum ya..maapkan..
Deletehai mbak Tesya, itinnya mau juga donk, vevero14@yahoo.co.id
ReplyDeletetrims sebelumnya
Hai Mba, udah aku sent ya..
DeleteHalo Mba Tesya,Salam kenal. Boleh minta itinerarynya dong selama di Sydney. Rencana mau visit Sydney selama 3 Hari.
ReplyDeleteHai Tesya, makasih ya buat tips dan info2 berguna yg dibagikan. Apa saya boleh minta dikirimkan itin Sydney & Melbournenya? Alamat email saya: uly1605@gmail.com
ReplyDeleteTerima kasih banyak
Hallo mba Tesya, saya boleh minta itinerary ke Sydney dan Melbourne gak? Kalau boleh tolong email ke trianiindahsr@gmail.com
ReplyDeleteTerima kasih
Sip Mbak, sudah aku email yah.
Deletemba tes kalo beli my multi ticket zone 3 di airport bisa kah? dan bisakah langsung digunakan untuk bis no 400 menuju mascot station? terimakasih
ReplyDeleteBisa Mas Fahmy, dulu saya beli di airport. Tapi sekarang semua harus menggunakan Opal. Coba cek aja ya Mas :)
DeleteHalo mba tesya, aku sedang dalaam perjalan ke sydney.. Dan bukumu yang sudah kubeli buat itinerary ketinggalan karena buru2 berangkat.. Hiks.. Bolehkan kirimkan itinerary sydney dan Melbourne ke email martinaspane@gmail.com.. Terimakasih mba..
ReplyDeleteSent ya and have fun in OZ :)
DeleteKak tesya aku boleh minta itnerary ny ke sydney please .. ke email (veraoktaviani168@gmail.com) aku ya kk.sblmny terima kasih
ReplyDeleteEmail sent ya..
DeleteHalo mbak tesya.. infonya sangat bermanfaat sekali..saya benencana ke sydney dan melbourne mei tahun ini.. Boleh share itinerary ke email saya sintawatihng@gmail.com? Thx mbak tesya sebelumnya..
ReplyDeleteMaafkan aku baru reply, email sent ya :)